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·174 words·1 min


In the spirit of a daily blogging practice I’m officially going to make at least one blog post each day in the month of August. I’ll call it Blogust (Blaugust?).

Besides this post, I’ll keep the posts about posts down to none. Or at leas those won’t count towards a daily post.

I don’t know if this is already a thing. Knowing how basic I am, it probably is. I’m not going to look it up. So to whoever actually started Blaugust I’m sorry.

I expect that this will require some batching of posts for the days when I can’t sit down to write.

My intention is to develop my writing and storytelling skills, find my voice, and better understand the technology and how people interact with it. It seems strange to be saying this in 2023 and not 2007.

I also want to keep a record of life and events for myself to look back on.

Sorry in advance for the rambling. It should get better over time.

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